January 8 Photo

Comments   1   Date Arrow  January 9, 2007 at 1:18am   User  by Granolageekmom

I had been avoiding doing any sort of digital processing on my photos, but Wyowoman convinced me yesterday that processing is not necessarily bad. So I slightly adjusted the photo on January 7  for the white balance, and its success has prompted me to play with the processing a little more today. E1 graciously allowed me to take several pictures while she read, and the light background colors seemed to really work well converting it to black and white. Fun!

If you can’t read the title on her book, she is currently reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. She loves all things Harry Potter- she asked for and received the Harry Potter Scene It game for Christmas, and has soundly beaten us all a few times since then. She is a voracious reader, usually checking out 10 to 12 books from the library and reading them all in a week. She also is quite a storyteller (in a good way), she writes short stories and even has started writing a book!

She also is my right hand girl, and I don’t know what I would do without her.

Tagged   Family · Photography · Unschooling


  • #1.   wyomom 01.10.2007

    Must be in the genes…am looking forward to reading the short stories and the book!