Still a Favorite

Comments   0   Date Arrow  September 4, 2008 at 11:01pm   User  by Granolageekmom

  (Hey, I actually got pictures transferred to my computer within a day of taking them! :) )  My sister made a cute sweatshirt and pant set for E1 when she was 2 years old.  E1 wore it constantly, for months, except when it was just too hot.  When E3 was about that age, we pulled it out of the box of clothes we had saved for her to wear, and again, it was worn over and over.  When E3 finally grew out of it. I didn’t even put it out in the garage.

We have had some cooler days and nights lately, and on Tuesday, E3 pulled the shirt out of her basket and put it on.  I can’t believe it even went over her head.  She generously decided that really it was time to pass it on to E4.  E4 immediately pulled it on, and has pretty much worn it constantly the past 2 days, except when I can convince her it’s warmed up too much and she’s going to get too hot.

A quick aside- E3 picked out a great book at the library last week that talked about passing on beloved things that have been outgrown- Little Bear’s Little Boat by Eve Bunting.  I don’t know if it was what made it easier to give up the shirt, but I think it probably helped.

Tagged   Family · Parenting